
Secure Your Content: Host & Share Videos Privately

Discover how Vodlix's DRM-enabled OTT solution helps you securely host and share videos. Protect your valuable content with encryption, access controls, and comprehensive DRM features.

By Keira Manifold

June 27th, 2024

Protect your content - DRM

The ability to manage and distribute videos privately is paramount for businesses, educators, and content creators alike. Whether you're safeguarding sensitive corporate communications, delivering exclusive educational content, or sharing premium videos with a select audience, Vodlix provides the comprehensive tools and features you need to ensure your content remains protected and accessible only to authorized viewers.

The Importance of Private Video Sharing

Sharing videos privately offers several key advantages, primarily confidentiality, security, and compliance. By controlling access to your videos, you can protect sensitive information, and intellectual property, and adhere to privacy regulations such as GDPR and HIPAA. This level of control is crucial for maintaining trust with your audience and ensuring that your content is viewed only by those with the appropriate permissions.

How Vodlix Facilitates Private Video Sharing

1. Advanced Security Measures

Vodlix employs state-of-the-art security protocols to safeguard your videos. Our secure video hosting infrastructure ensures that your content is protected against unauthorized access and data breaches.

2. Flexible Access Control

Easily manage who can view your videos with Vodlix’s granular access control settings. You can assign permissions based on user roles, departments, or individual email addresses, ensuring that only authorized personnel or viewers can access specific content.

3. Password Protection

Enhance security by adding password protection to your videos. Choose strong passwords and share them securely with your intended audience, preventing unauthorized individuals from viewing your content.

4. Comprehensive Analytics

Gain valuable insights into viewer engagement and behavior with Vodlix’s comprehensive analytics tools. Track metrics such as view counts, watch duration, and audience demographics to optimize your video-sharing strategies and enhance content relevance.

Practical Applications of Private Video Sharing

1. Corporate Training

Protect proprietary training materials and ensure they are accessible only to authorized employees or contractors. Vodlix’s secure environment guarantees that your training videos remain confidential and compliant with internal policies.

2. Educational Content

Safely distribute educational videos to students and educators while maintaining compliance with educational standards and privacy laws. Vodlix’s robust access controls and encryption protocols ensure that educational institutions can securely share instructional content without compromising privacy

3. Exclusive Content Distribution

Monetize your content by sharing exclusive videos with paying subscribers or members of your community. Vodlix’s secure payment integration options allow you to manage subscriptions and deliver premium content securely and efficiently.

Why Share Videos Privately?

Sharing videos privately ensures that your content is accessible only to those who have the right permissions. This level of control is essential for maintaining confidentiality, protecting intellectual property, and adhering to privacy regulations. With Vodlix, you can create a secure environment for your videos, whether they’re for internal use or restricted client access.

How Vodlix Makes Private Video Sharing Easy

  1. Secure Video Hosting: Vodlix offers robust video hosting capabilities with advanced security features. Your videos are stored securely on our platform, ensuring protection against unauthorized access.

  2. Access Control: Easily manage who can view your videos with Vodlix’s access control settings. You can restrict access to specific individuals or groups, ensuring that only intended viewers can watch your content.

  3. Password Protection: Add an extra layer of security with password-protected videos. Choose a strong password that ensures only authorized users can enter.

  4. Analytics and Monitoring: Gain insights into viewer engagement with Vodlix’s analytics tools. Track viewer behavior, view counts, and engagement metrics to optimize your video sharing strategy.

Use Cases for Private Video Sharing

  • Corporate Training: Safeguard proprietary training videos and ensure they’re accessible only to employees with the right credentials.

  • Educational Content: Share educational videos securely with students, ensuring compliance with educational guidelines and privacy laws.

  • Exclusive Content: Distribute premium content to paying subscribers or members of your community, maintaining exclusivity and value.

Why Choose Private Hosting with DRM?

Hosting your videos privately with DRM offers several key benefits:

  1. Content Protection: DRM technologies encrypt your videos and control access to prevent unauthorized viewing, downloading, or redistribution, safeguarding your intellectual property.

  2. Compliance and Licensing: For content that requires adherence to copyright laws or licensing agreements, DRM ensures that access is granted only to authorized users, maintaining compliance and protecting rights holders.

  3. Secure Playback Across Devices: DRM-enabled videos can be securely streamed across various devices while maintaining encryption, ensuring a consistent and secure viewing experience for your audience.

Vodlix's DRM Features

At Vodlix, we integrate advanced DRM capabilities into our platform to provide comprehensive content protection:

  • Encryption: Videos are encrypted to prevent unauthorized interception and ensure that only authorized viewers with the correct decryption keys can access the content.

  • Access Control Policies: Set granular access controls based on user roles, subscription levels, geographical location, or specific permissions, giving you flexibility in managing content distribution.

  • Watermarking: Embed invisible watermarks into your videos to deter unauthorized sharing and trace the source of leaks, enhancing content security and accountability.

  • Expiration and Playback Restrictions: Customize playback options such as time-limited access or offline viewing restrictions, providing additional layers of control over how your content is consumed.


Protecting your video content with private hosting and DRM features is essential for maintaining control, ensuring compliance, and safeguarding your brand's reputation. With Vodlix's secure OTT solution, you can confidently share your videos knowing that they are protected against piracy and unauthorized access. Whether you're a content creator, enterprise, or educational institution, Vodlix provides the tools you need to manage, monetize, and analyze your video content securely. Take control of your video assets today with Vodlix and confidently elevate your content strategy.

Get Started Today

Create your account to discover more about our DRM-enabled OTT solutions and start protecting your valuable video content effectively. Experience the power of private video hosting with Vodlix's DRM features and ensure your content remains secure and profitable.