Calculate your OTT platform costs based on your specific business requirements and usage patterns
Estimate revenue, expenses, and profitability for different Vodlix plans to find your ideal solution
Configure your video streaming requirements and business model
Detailed breakdown of your plan costs and revenue projections
Professional | Enterprise | |
Plan Cost | /mo | /mo |
Bandwidth Limit | 50 TB |
100 TB |
Bandwidth Required |
TB |
TB |
Storage Limit | 5 TB |
10 TB |
Storage Required |
TB |
TB |
Extra Bandwidth Charges | /mo | /mo |
Extra Storage Charges | /mo | /mo |
Plan Cost | /mo | /mo |
TV Apps Bundle | /mo | /mo |
LG TV App | /mo | /mo |
Samsung TV APP | /mo | /mo |
Roku App | /mo | /mo |
Total Cost | /mo | /mo |
Total Revenue | /mo | /mo |
Net Profit | /mo | /mo |
These calculations provide estimates based on historical usage patterns. Actual costs and revenue may vary depending on real-world usage, content consumption patterns, and market conditions.
Metric | Current | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | Month 6 | Month 7 | Month 8 | Month 9 | Month 10 | Month 11 | Month 12 | Annual Total |
Subscribers | - | ||||||||||||
Revenue | |||||||||||||
Professional Plan | |||||||||||||
Cost | |||||||||||||
Profit | |||||||||||||
Enterprise Plan | |||||||||||||
Cost | |||||||||||||
Profit |