
Top Features that can Secure Video Streaming Platform in 2024

This article outlines the top security features that video streaming platforms should consider implementing in 2023 to secure their platforms.

By Arslan Hassan

January 27th, 2023

Vodlix Video Streaming Platforms

Video Streaming Platforms

Video Streaming platforms are growing rapidly. With the growing business of OTT/ VOD platforms, content is more exposed to security risks. Cybercrime is also increasing including the increase in piracy, hacking, and other digital attacks. Hence, broadcasters are very worried about securing their video content and looking for a solution that offers maximum features to secure their online content. The following features give security to the video content: 

  • Password Protection

  • Private Video Feature

  • Geographic and Domain Restriction

  • HTTPS Video Delivery

  • HLS Video Encryption

  • System Monitoring

Password Protection

One of the basic protections and security for your video is password protected. With password protection, you can block your video content from viewing. Therefore, you need to ensure the privacy of the password thus your stream will be secured too. This method has been used and adopted widely among small businesses and organizations. 

Private Video Feature

With private and unlisted video features you can hide your valuable content from the search. Only people who have a URL can access the video. You can share the URL of the video or playlist via email with your customers. Also, people who subscribe to your channel/platform can access it. As a random person cannot access your content, therefore, the content is safe from digital hacks. 

Geographic and Domain Restrictions

To protect your online video, there are two types of restrictions. One is domain restriction and the other one is geographic restriction. Domain restriction, as the name implies, restricts the domains on which your stream is playable. The content will only be played to the authorized domain and running, embedding your video on another website will fail. Moreover, if anyone attempts to steal your embed code will be stymied, providing an additional layer of protection.

Whereas in geographic restriction you use IP addresses to whitelist certain countries and the website can be accessed in those countries only. Anybody outside the set countries will not be able to watch the content. These methods have high accuracy and security measures for your online video content. With Vodlix you can effortlessly restrict the audience for your content to certain countries and regions.

However, Vodlix also enables you to choose where users can watch your content. You can also restrict certain assets to the web, particularly mobile devices, and set-top boxes. Furthermore, you can take control over how users access your service by imposing device limits and account restrictions.

HTTPS Video Delivery

HTTPS is an encrypted version of HTTP and web communication protocol used for transferring data over the World Wide Web. It ensures data safety and privacy. Encrypted data cannot be changed while moving through the internet without destroying the data completely. Hence, it prevents tampering in transit. It also provides authentication. Furthermore, it protects from eavesdropping through HLS Streaming Protocol integration. It assures only the intended recipient should be able to access the data being transmitted.

HLS Video Encryption

HLS stands for HTTP live streaming. HLS ingestion support helps premium content that requires high quality and high resolution at a relatively higher latency. The most common method for HLS encryption is AES-18. It is an invisible encryption process that provides a significant layer of protection against interception and piracy. An access key is required to watch the video and access a stream in a secured environment.

HLS is a universal protocol supporting the following devices and browsers:

  • All Google Chrome browsers

  • Safari

  • Microsoft Edge

  • iOS devices

  • Android devices 

  • Linux devices

  • Microsoft devices

  • macOS platforms 

System Monitoring

Continuous scanning and testing of the streaming solution are other features to be considered by broadcasters. System monitoring includes security scans, tests, and checks for instance; video content storage requires SSH public-key authentication. With the system, manual monitoring is also required. Security managers need to review the integrity and access to the system on a continuous basis. 

However, if you want to protect copyrights for digital media prevent users from unauthorized use and avoid legal issues. You need to adopt a proactive approach and implement a DRM (Digital Rights Management) system.

You can implement a content protection and DRM solution and get the following benefits instantly:

  • Protect Revenue Streams

  • Increase Roi And Profit

  • Protect Intellectual Property 

  • Earn More Revenue Through Multi-Tiered Subscriptions

  • Gain More Members and Membership Revenue

  • Restrict Unauthorized Access 

  • Prevent Password Sharing 

  • Prevent Content Piracy

These are the various security features offered by OTT/VOD platform providers. Broadcasters according to their type of video content consider the feature for their privacy needs. However, encrypted HTTPS video delivery benefits broadcasters widely. 

Vodlix ensures that your content is always protected with its powerful server-side encryption. Start your streaming with Vodlix and give it a try as a secure online video platform.