Stream Live Video Online

Secure Live Video Streaming and Broadcasting Platform

Vodlix: Your Premier Streaming Platform - Experience minimal latency and top-tier CDNs with our cutting-edge online live video solution. Enjoy user-friendly operation and round-the-clock online and phone support.

Vodlix Live TV

High Performance with Top-Tier CDNs

Safeguard your online live video broadcasts with the industry's finest video CDNs. Utilize our round-the-clock live streaming platform, offering seamless scalability and extensive compatibility.

Vodlix Third-Party Integration
Low Latency Live Video Streaming

Low Latency Live Video Streaming

Achieve ultra-low latency of 10 seconds or less, inclusive of a complimentary direct HLS software encoder

Embed Live Video Anywhere

Stream without constraints, infuse your unique branding, and retain full control over where your video content is available

Vodlix Live TV
Video Streaming Security

Video Streaming Security

With Vodlix, you have full control over your streaming content, supported by a robust set of security features

Monetize your Live Events

Begin monetizing your content right away on Vodlix with our ad integration and paywall. Offer pay-per-view, subscription plans, or a combination of both, and accept payments conveniently via credit card or PayPal.

Vodlix OTT Monetization Settings

Easily Stream Live Video Online

Stream Live Video Online with Top Platform Features

Unlock the full potential of online live video streaming with Vodlix's top-tier platform features.

Broadcast on social networks
Broadcast on social networks

Boost your viewership by effortlessly live streaming across various social media networks with Vodlix.

Real Time Analytics
Real Time Analytics

Gain valuable insights and enhance your online video streaming performance with Vodlix's real-time analytics.

Live Countdown
Live Countdown

Build anticipation and keep your audience engaged with live countdowns, ensuring they won't miss any important events on your platform.

24/7 Technical Support

Rest easy knowing our dedicated customer service team is available 24/7 to assist you with any questions or issues you may encounter. In addition to our support team, you'll have access to a wealth of resources, including an extensive knowledge base and a vibrant online community of fellow professionals.

Frequently asked questions

What is live video streaming?
Live video streaming is the real-time transmission of video content over the internet, allowing viewers to watch and interact with the content as it happens.
Why is live video streaming important for businesses and content creators?
Live streaming offers a direct and engaging way to connect with audiences, promote products, share events, and build brand awareness.
What equipment and software do I need for live video streaming?
You'll need a camera, microphone, encoder software, and a stable internet connection. There are various hardware and software options available.
How can I ensure high-quality live video streaming?
To ensure quality, invest in good equipment, optimize your internet connection, and choose a reliable live streaming platform.
What are the best practices for live video content creation?
Plan your content, engage with your audience, use clear audio, and have proper lighting. Consistency is also key.
Can I monetize my live video streams?
Yes, you can monetize live streams through ads, subscriptions, pay-per-views, and sponsorship.
Are there any legal considerations for live video streaming?
Yes, consider copyright issues, privacy laws, and any necessary permits for streaming in certain locations.
Which platforms are popular for live video streaming?
Platforms like YouTube Live, Facebook Live, Twitch, and professional streaming platforms like Vodlix are popular choices.
What is the future of live video streaming?
The future holds exciting possibilities for live streaming, including improved interactivity, augmented reality features, and 4K/8K streaming.
How can Vodlix help with live video streaming?
Vodlix offers a comprehensive live streaming platform with customizable features, monetization options, and dedicated support to enhance your live streaming experience.